Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Pretty NFS

Well Audrey is living up to her nickname-Cheeky. Little Miss. Tattletale!!! That girl!!!
While Eric was in Oregon on his big fly fishing trip, my mom took me and my girls to breakfast in a tiny town nearby. The town is filled with little shops that sell artsy craftsy type of stuff. There are antiques thrown in as well as many other types of things. Well, we went to eat at The Blue Owl and had planned on leaving that little town to do other things elsewhere. Before we left, Audrey made a request to go to the Christmas store. I agreed. Ava wanted to go to the "princess" store which was just a store with fancy trim that made it look princessey to her.

As I was driving past her princess store after breakfast, she got upset so I decided-we'll just go to this one store. It isn't a big deal to make this ONE extra stop if it is important to her. As three year old girls everywhere will tell you, passing up a store that could possibly be a princess store IS a big deal.

We went in and I held Ava's hand and we looked and touched and held lots of pretties. She dragged me room to room looking at all the lovely displays. She dragged me to a vintage shabby chic looking dressing table. On the table, I was to find the unexpected- my new pretty old thing that was most certainly made just for me. I saw it and knew in an instant it was made for me, but before I could even get a close look at it (or check out the price tag), she dragged me away.

After looking until she had her fill, I asked my mom to watch the girls while I went to look at my pretty thing. I went and marveled at how perfect it was and reached for the tiny hidden tag only to see NFS written on it. Not for sale? Ouch. Really? I seriously can't buy it? I was prepared to see a big number, say it was too much, and walk away. The NFS really hurt.

This all happened on Saturday. I really wasn't obsessed with it. I kind of forgot about it for a day or two. Then I started thinking about it. What was stopping me from just inquiring about that NFS tag. I decided it wouldn't be rude to just ask. Asking never hurt anything right? So on impulse, I drove to the store, looked at my pretty while the owner was on the phone, and then approached her. I made small talk at first and then I presented my dilemma. She told me that the piece I was interested was actually owned by another woman that she rents some of her store space to. A quick phone call and then the answer-the woman wasn't ready to part with it yet.

I spoke some more with the owner of the store and she assured me that my interest in a NFS item was not the least bit unusual. Apparently, she rents space to two women who have quite a few NFS items in their spaces. The owner then presented a notebook with a list of names, phone numbers, and the NFS item that each person was interested in. A notebook? Add me to it! I even made an offer of what I would be willing to pay. She took my information and called me before I got home with the news that the pretty was mine!

She said that my pretty's owner still wasn't wanting to part with her NFS item, but was talked into it. I love the lady who spoke on my behalf! I went back later that same day and picked it up. Then I explained to Audrey that this purchase was mommy's secret present to herself and that we shouldn't tell daddy about it -yet. We drove home and I hid my present. I was a little bummed that I couldn't display it, but I knew in time I would.

Audrey kept our mother/daughter secret for an entire week. I thought that I had gotten lucky and she forgot about it. In the meantime, I thought of various ways to tell Eric about my little purchase. First, I was just going to slowly replace the money I spent and once it was replaced, THEN I would tell him. My second idea was just to tell him. I don't do things like this usually so one time shouldn't be THAT big of a deal. My third idea was to say something like, "Since I passed on the amethyst Coach wristlet, I think I still might use that money on something else." and then wait to see what his response was.

None of my planning/scheming would end up being necessary. While in the drive through at Steak n Shake where everyone EXCEPT me was ordering a shake, Audey casually drops, "Hey mom, are you ever gonna tell dad about your little purchase in Kimmswick?" I mean this came outta NO WHERE. All I could do was laugh uncontrollably while Eric looked at me waiting for my follow up and Aurey declared this to be "the best day of my life"-getting her mommy in trouble with daddy!

I explained myself and my purchase. I told him this story from the beginning. Except I also gave him a monetary amount which DID in fact make him raise his eyebrows just a little. He asked me if it was a three tiered table (something that I SERIOUSLY want). I said, "No, but it DOES have three tiers!" I hate that he knows me so well. We got home, the shakes a distant memory as my family can suck them down like air. Eric didn't even ask to see it. My pretty had been in hiding for a week. My secret was out in the open and now my purchase would be too! I went straight to it. I hadn't had the pleasure of seeing her out in the open of my home. It was an introduction. "Pretty, this is the kitchen. I think you will like it here."

I had to call Eric back down the stairs to actually see what all the fuss was all about. He was totally casual about it. He looked at it and said that it was a "fancy pretty" not just a "pretty". Is my style changing? Am I now into fancy pretties? I hope not because fancy pretties cost a LOT more than just pretties.

After all of this, what exactly did I buy? I'm not even sure! It's an Italian three tiered thingy. It has a circular marble base and an ornamental rod going up from it. The rod holds three hand cut crystal plates in varying sizes. The rod comes out of the topmost plate and then has a flower like ornament that has small strings of crystals hanging from it. It is in the kitchen and I'm in the office and I haven't looked at it hardly. Maybe I need to look at it again. That probably still won't help my description.

What I DO know about my purchase is that it was meant for me, it is pretty and fancy, and it is WAY better than a Coach wristlet that doesn't even have a zipper! Who is the genius that designs a fabulous wristlet that by definition will be dangling on its side- without a freakin' zipper? There is something about turning a purse on its side and even upside down that causes its contents to fall out! Gravity or something. Guess what? Zippers help with that whole gravity pulling my private girl things out of the bag hanging sideways from my wrist and onto the ground where the entire would can see them! I'm now making my OWN amethyst wristlet WITH a zipper. I guess I should thank that purse designer after all. Now I will have a fabulous AND functional purse, plus a fancy, three tiered, Italian thingy.

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