Sunday, December 31, 2006

Closing Out the Year-2006

The closing out of 2006. What an exciting moment. I actually think I'm going to return to my old habit of making resolutions/plans and I'm excited about the future. As far the ending of this year, we made the last weekend a memorable one starting with taking Audrey ice-skating at Steinberg rink Friday night. She only fell 7 times (she keeps count). I can't believe how much she improved since our last visit! Eric and I want to buy each other ice-skates next Christmas. I think we're all hooked on our new favorite family activity. We're wondering when Ava will be ready for her first trip to the rink-maybe next winter?

A huge milestone for our oldest....she has been waiting over 2 years to be 4 feet tall. That's a long time to wait. The reason 48inches was a magic number is because she had to be that tall to climb the rock wall at Dick's Sporting Goods. Well she finally did it yesterday. She was fast and fearless (of course!). She had a wonderful time and I can't wait to take her back to see how high she gets her second time around.

I can't wait to see what little bits has us doing next year. Well I'm off to draft my plans for the new year. Maybe that's what they are, plans not resolutions.

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