Saturday, February 05, 2011

Day Six

SAT-UR-DAY-UH! is now Sunday and I'm watching Super Bowl XLV. Greenbay vs. Steelers. Go...? I haven't decided who I'm rooting for yet. Oops. Back to Saturday. It was super chill. Woke up to like 6 inches of snow which is the very best way to wake up.

Spent the day at the bar. Jac's band, Maid*Rite, and her husband's band, The Ozark Hellbenders, played. My folks came and listened to both bands. It was a really terrific time. Both bands play there every third Saturday. This was the second time they've played and I'm finding myself really looking forward to these Saturdays. My mom LOVED the music. Oh, happy family!

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