Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sick Days, Snow Days

Both of my babies are sick. They are NEVER sick. It is kind of strange. Aside from fevers and lack of energy, they seem to be fine. I'm lucking out-no barf or any of that other stuff.

It is early January. There is a healthy blanket of snow on the ground, the days have been grey, and it is extremely cold outside. I couldn't be happier. This is the prettiest time of the year. I know I've written about it before-I love grey, I love winter, I love snow. The end.

I love when I can hear the winter wind beating the house. I love the cold window panes. I love building a fire. I love the comfort of MY home. I love baking. I love my children. I love my most loyal husband. I love that Ava just walked in and told me she is cold (she is wearing only her undies!). I love bundling up in clothes. I love that my first born was born this month. I love that the year begins and ends with the most perfect season. I love that my second born is also a winter baby. I love that I have two daughters and that my two daughters have two kittens that are also sisters. Sweetness all around.

As I said, my girls are very rarely sick. Taking care of my sick babies has been a true joy. Crazy, but true. During the day, they rest in the living room. They ask me for many things throughout our day: Cocoa and Lemon Louise (their kittens), a pillow, Miss. Pancake (the sock monkey my grandma made me when I was a little girl), a drink, the remote, another blankey, a clementine, pistachios, for me to pick up the glass of milk I just brought and lift it to her (Ava's) lips. I spend my days dashing about the house getting my daughter's the things they "need".

This week, I've kind of rediscovered what it is that I am-a caregiver. I do it everyday, but this week has reminded me what it really means. All that stuff I'm always's important.

I take care of people and things- sick children, dirty chimneys, stressed out husbands, old hounds, malfunctioning Jeeps... It sounds so ordinary, maybe boring and old fashioned, too. But it also feels really good to be doing it. I think I sometimes fail to stop and enjoy it. I get caught up in the motions of life. It doesn't always feel important. I take it for granted at times. But on these slow moving winter days, filled with time for reflection, I've taken notice. Being needed feels good. Giving feels even better.

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