Christmas 2010 was white! I imagine my girls reading this twenty years from now trying to remember what it was like. What was their favorite toy? I think back to my childhood Christmases and think of the special gifts I received.
This year, we went to cousins, Vicky and Rudy's house out in Charles Town for our annual Christmas Eve celebration. It was laid back and lovely. The snow was freshly fallen and gorgeous. Audrey, Eric, and I had a snowball fight. Who was there: us, Vicky, Rudy, and Jessica, Cory, Jason, Stephanie, BJ, Gunnar, Becky, Denny, and Lyn.
This was our first year with our kittens-Cocoa and Lemon Louise. They didn't knock over any of our four Christmas trees. Eric had them declawed a week ago. They also came down with tapeworms. Our year ended with lice and tapeworms. Yuck.
We started Christmas morning by burning our yule log. We saved it from last year's Christmas tree. It's our new tradition. Eric and I also got a small real tree for our bedroom. I've always wanted a tree in our room and this was the year for it. This was also the first year that the girls and I got our Christmas trees without Eric.
Gifts-The girls got a three story Barbie house and boy Barbies. Last year they loved getting yarn, this year it was colored duct tape. We got Wii fit, Mario cart, Batman Legos, and Spongebob Boating Bash.
Audrey is really growing up. She loves bras, makeup, clothes, and jewelry. Ava is still my little girl. She gets insanely excited, jumps up and down, and makes you feel like a million bucks for buying her a gift. The girls both got Pillow Pets-Audrey a monkey, Ava a reindeer. Last year they sang the commercial for bendaroos. This year they sang the pillow pet song.
Christmas was different this year. We invited my parents over for breakfast. They came with Baby (Grandma's toy shiih-tzu puppy). Eric made eggs, waffles, and bacon. We had a nice sit down breakfast and then we opened presents. It was so enjoyable.
We ended the day at Eric's parents house. They made a crown roast for dinner. Ava (who is a super picky eater) thought it was chicken. So now her favorite food is crown chicken. I think she liked the little paper crowns that were on the ends of the bones. After dinner, we opened gifts.
The holidays as a whole, were a time of rest for our family. Our agenda was minimal and we kept things simple. I think we all are feeling refreshed. It has been a long year.
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