Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ava Zoe

We got the proofs from Ava's school pictures today. A-dor-a-ble! Only she doesn't think so. After our conversation in the car, I've decided Ava talks just like Rachel Zoe. Every syllable is super enunciated and deliberate. She is passionate and 100 percent dedicated to every word she says.

"Uhh...Mommm, These pik-tures ARE HOR-RAH-BLE. That dress... you made me WAY-ER, is just HID-E-OUS. When we get home, I'm going to throw-it-ahh-waaay."

Maybe she just has a bad case of girl? I love how sure of herself she is. She either loves something, in which case she pronounces an item to be a, "KEEPER!!!" Or is completely dismissive of something she finds to be utterly distasteful, "NO! NO!". If you come across us shopping, that is literally what you will hear. "Keeper!, Keeper!!,No-No!, Keeper!, NO-NO!..." It really cuts down on unnecessary conversation. I like that.

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