Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I love winter. I happen to be very happy right now as it is December 30th and winter. It starts in December, ends, well I'm not sure when it ends. It ends with the beginning of spring of course and it's a good thing that spring is so pretty, otherwise I would have to be sad to say goodbye to my favorite season. Spring kind of does that, it bridges the gap between winter wonderland and the sticky, hot summer.

There are so many reasons why I love winter. Winter is a time when a lot of people choose to stay indoors. Maybe I love winter because I'm kind of a shy person and not so many people are out? I love the blustery wind and snowy days. I love being forced to bundle up and "brave" the harsh conditions that others avoid. I would hate to avoid something as wonderful as winter.

There is something so inspiring about a cold, blank gray sky. No sun. No clouds. Perfect. Everything is a little more quiet and slow in winter. Winter breaks things down to the bare minimum-even the trees. Those beautiful dark outcroppings that contrast so with the bare landscape and sky. The days are shorter and darker. There is a stillness present.

Winter also brings not only bitterly cold days, but also the most perfect and exciting weather-snow! A forecast for snow brings about such happy anticipation. Will it snow? Desperate prayers to God for it to, "please snow!"and "let school be canceled!". I bet God gets the most influx of children's prayers in the winter months.

When snow is mentioned, sled riding, snow angels, and hot cocoa are the first things I think of. We gather our arsenal of accessories:long under ware, snow suits, coats, hats, gloves, thick socks, snow boots, sled, oversized pump thermos... I've found that the best way to make new friends is to bring that oversized pump thermos full of hot cocoa and extra ceramic mugs to our favorite sledding spot. We've made the acquaintance of many a lovely people this way.

Usually before we get out the cocoa, we have traded and tried out the sleds of many of the people sharing the hill with us. Everyone is checking out the various types of sleds to see which one goes the fastest (the blow up donut is my favorite). Snow encourages strangers to interact with one another while having fun. What could be better than that?

We all scurry to prepare when the word snow is mentioned. Hordes of people flock to the grocery stores to stock up on bread and milk. A well stocked home and pantry is in itself, quite comforting. The idea of being "snowed in" causes some to panic. I think of it as a welcome adventure to something different. Something that can't be planned or forced. When the sky is filled with those six sided fluffy flakes, nothing could be more pleasing.

Weather plays an important part in history. It is as noteworthy as people, places, and dates. That is is celebrated both for its' beauty and destruction is interesting in itself. While snow and ice can be destructive, visually, snow and icicles are quite pretty and have a calming effect on one's senses. How did frozen water ever become so fascinating?

If one were to their cue from nature, then it makes sense to do as a lot of the animals do. They spend autumn preparing-making sure that their homes are in order and stocking up on food. Then they seem to disappear from the world for a while. I, too, like a season for fading from view. Hiding out beneath a blanket in front of a fire is fine with me. Everything seems to recede for those glorious winter months.

Some of the sweetest holidays and celebrations also occur in the winter- Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, and both of my daughter's birthdays.  Christmas is my favorite holiday. Maybe it is because I am drawn to nature and I love decorating and baking. Nothing can compare to bringing in a freshly cut tree that is vibrant and heavy with scent. Add white lights and a collection of ornaments that once hung from my grandparent's Christmas tree and  an assortment that my daughters have made, and it becomes a true family tree.

I think some of the unifying characteristics of all of the winter holidays are rooted in love and family. All of these things are very personal and intimate. What a moving combination! Reflecting on a year's experiences and events and dreaming of a brand new year's adventures is an emotional undertaking if one really takes the time to do it. I started this post on the 30th and I'm finishing it on the 31st-New Year's Eve. I've been blessed in 2008 and am excited about the possibilites that lie ahead. I came upon a quote earlier this morning that I think is a perfect for today.

"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall at last unveil."
-John Rushkin

Happy New Years!

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