Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Very Goth Christmas

Ava is a three year old goth toddler.  An early bloomer?  I remember when Audrey was this age-independent, knows what she wants, determined.  I could be sad that my baby isn't a baby, but I love it.  I love seeing her choices-what excites and pleases her.

Today is Christmas Eve and goth girl, I mean Ava, is ready for the evening's festivities to begin.  She is  wearing her special Christmas outfit.  Before we went to the store to purchase a Christmas dress, I had the amazing foresight to ask her what she wanted.  "Black" was the reply.  Black velvet is what she got and when she spotted the dress-that was it.  No matter how many other cute black dresses I showed her, she knew that the sleeveless velvet one was THE one.  She denounced all of the choices with her quick dismissal "Ugly".  Oh, she is a fun one!

What else makes her so goth?  Besides that her favorite color is black?  She also loves dragons.  My girl doesn't have pony tails, she has dragon tails.  She asked for (and is getting) a dragon for Christmas.  She also names all of her stuffed animals and any other live animals that she sees Dragon.  We have Dragon kitties, rabbits, horses...

She just finished watching Pete's Dragon and is now practicing her version of martial arts in my bedroom.  Actually she is taking turns pretending to be a judge (yelling "Order!) and being a ninja.  She IS in black-good for both the ninja and judge choices.

Homegrown does want some "normal" three year old girl things as well.  The Raging Rhino game and cupcake maker are the two things she has consistently asked for for over a month.  She did make a third request-a black unicorn.  Black?  I definitely remember having a unicorn phase myself, but leave it up to her to ask for a black one.

Last week, we were taking a little scenic drive in the afternoon.  We were getting close to the house with the horses when we came upon three turkeys on the side of the road.  When my children see an animal, they have a habit of rolling down the car windows and screaming that particular animal's sound.  They neigh at horses, baaa at sheep, and so on.  So when we see the turkeys, I kind of expect some loud gobbling to erupt, but instead, I get, "When I see a unicorn, I'm going to yell, "Unicorn, Unicorn!!".  I hope we see one.  A black one.

Post Christmas Update-
Girlfriend got a large, toy Lipizzan horse for Christmas.  It is white (of course) with a pretty pink saddle.  After she opened it and quit squealing and jumping up and down, we asked her, "What are you going to name your new horse?!".  Oh, I was secretly anticipating her to say, "Dragon".  Girlfriend takes a long pause.  She looks sideways and thinks.  Then, turns her head, looks at us and says, "Blood".  Could Blood be a cooler name than Dragon?  My goth toddler rocks.

2-4-09  Ava is obsessed with Star Wars.  She requested me to snuggle her and watch Attack of the Clone Wars.  Huh?  We don't even own that movie.  We opted for The Empire Strikes Back instead.  How many 3 year old girls dig Star Wars?  She is entirely too funny.

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