Monday, August 18, 2008

My Amazing Boot Story

I officially own my first pair of cowboy boots! Okay, technically, cowgirl boots. They are so pretty! I can't wait to start wearing them. They are positively gorgeous.

So the story is, I've wanted a pair for quite sometime. I've looked and looked- online and in actual stores. Along the way I changed the criteria for my boots. At first I was obsessed with a pair of boots that Kimberly Williams Paisley wore on the cover of a country addition of People magazine. I am still obsessed with those boots! If I had those boots, I would never wear any other shoes EVER. I would get an actual job to purchase the boots. They are that amazing. I knew I wanted brown, but there are lots of shades of brown. Then there is the business of the toe. There are j's, r's, x's... I don't quite get it and even in illustrations, I still don't understand it all. Heels, stitching, height, brand, materials,-all major details to be worked out and understood.

None of my research, dreaming, or internet searches did what one single man did for me. I went to Chuck's Boots (my third visit) and I think Chuck himself helped me. The man knows his boots (duh!). I was SOOO sure I wanted Ariat, Justin, or Lucchese boots. Those are all super well known. I did my research after all. There are other major brands in the boot industry, but I just knew I would end up with one of those three brands.

After dropping the girlies off at Aunt and Uncle's, Eric and I headed out to buy me my boots with my birthday money. We started by pulling off every pair of boots we liked off of the shelves. I then started trying them on. Toes and colors ruled our discussions. Size and fit came in somewhere. I think I tried on a half dozen pair. I thought I had found the "ones". I wasn't so sure about the size though. My toe kinda rubbed the side weird.

Then HE came over. He looked over the boots I had chosen. He could see what I liked. We talked brands...and then I asked him about Corral. In all of my preparations, I didn't seem to recall hearing about this brand. He instantly lit up. He said Corral made excellent boots. He flipped the one pair I had chosen over to show me the soles. Wow. I was so busy looking at the brown toes, I never looked on the underside and that is where the boot really tells its story. The part of the boot that was going to get super scuffed and never really be seen, was a work of art! He had fun flipping the other boots I had chosen over-showing me the remarkable difference in craftsmanship and quality. He grabbed boots from all over the store and we talked and talked. Super interesting guy. I think I want to sell cowboy boots now!

He explained how he ended up selling Corrals in the first place and how he has the biggest selection of them in the country. He said they haven't been around nearly along as the "other guys". That is why I probably didn't hear about them. My perfect boots have gorgeous bottoms with 22 tiny nails in them. He called them lemon somethings. All I know is that he is ordering over 400 more of them and I'm going back in a month to look at more Corrals.

That is my amazing boot story. I think I will plan an entire evening around wearing them the first time. My boots and I will go on our first adventure together. Maybe the Forest Park Balloon Glow next month? An outdoor event sounds most fitting... we'll see.

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