Thursday, October 19, 2006

The State of Things

Oh my gosh, it is the middle of Ocotober and it has been such a long time since I wrote something. Well, I have been busy. I'm creating (with help) a cookbook for my church. It has been fun and frustrating. I've learned a lot so that is always good. While researching quotes for the "blank spaces" I found this:
"Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement."- C.S.Lewis.
While I don't view my frustrations with the cookbook creation process as a failure by any means, I still really like that quote.

So girl update: Audrey is doing much better in school. We have our first parent/teacher conference in a week so I'm excited to hear all about my munchkin. I'm not crazy about the Abeka curriculum although that could change. In math, they are learning about ones and teens. I thought it was a misprint and should be tens. Not so, 10-19 are teens and 20-29 are the twenty group. That just doesn't make sense to me at all!

We are going shopping tonight because she wants to be a mermaid for Halloween so I'm trying to get an idea of what she wants her costume to look like. I'm excited about one-on-one time with her. She loves having my complete attention. It should be fun.

Little bits, baby bird, angel, is in a sweet little phase. She loves throwing things. She throws these hard plastic balls down the hardwood steps which causes quite a racket. Last week I caught her throwing books off the second story deck into the hydrangea bush. She was having such a great time that once I discovered what she was doing, I just sat there and watched her throw each book and then errupt in laughter. We did eventually collect all the books.

Girly is starting to talk a little bit more. At 19 months she still calls her dad "Mom" which is quite funny. She has discovered the b sound and likes to say bye bye, ball, baby, and bowl. I say "beautiful" because she is! She also makes that cute car sound whenever she sees a car.

All in all things are good. There have been a few hiccups over the past month, but we're managing. It seems like everything is breaking and needing fixing. The dog has had 3 surgeries in 4 months, my purse was stolen (the garage door was left open overnight), the garage door motor broke, we had a tree cut down, and it goes on.... What is up with all of this?

I must go. I have dust bunnies on my stairs that cannot be ignored for one more second!

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