Monday, August 21, 2006

First Day of Kindergarten for Audrey

The first day of kindergarten!

This is where I'm supposed to submit a darling sweet story about how my daughter's first day of kindergarten was. You know, the teacher dismisses them, your child comes running to you super excited to tell you the million cool things about her very first day.

I hoped for that story, but kind of knew otherwise.

Me-"How was your very first day?!"

She- "Not good."

Me- "What happened?!"

She- "Well she wouldn't let me say the alphabet. I wanted her to know that I know it. Then she said, "Please put a cloud by your name." (The equivalent of, "I hate your guts.")

Me- "Did anybody else get a cloud?"

She- "One of my friends did."

Me- "Well honey, you've got to listen. Your teacher DOES like you. You got an overall sun for the day." (based on the behavior report that is sent home everyday)

She-" Well my teacher is stupid. Very stupid. She is an awful teacher. She doesn't even know how to teach. School is boring. We can't even talk in the halls!!"

Me- "Well tomorrow will be better."

She- "I'm not going back."

We came home. She got a bug to cook and got out canola oil, baking powder, vanilla, cupcake pan, and liners. I asked what she was making and she said gingerbread treats. We made vanilla cupcakes instead.

She has agreed to go back to school one more time. I feel for her. I hated school from the time of preschool through high school. I dropped out at 15 and eventually went to college and loved it.

It'll get better. I know it will.

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