Thursday, May 27, 2010

Falling off a Cloud

Yesterday, my girl finally took her first spill off a horse. She has spent months riding Pearl who is a Haflinger. A Haflinger is a cross between a draft horse and a pony. They are short and stocky and incredibly beautiful. They are sorrel in color with flaxen mane and tails.

But, NOOO...she wasn't on Miss. Short and Stocky when she fell. She was on Cloud for the second time in as many weeks. Cloud is Pearl's opposite in stature. He is a cross between a Clydesdale and an Appaloosa. He, too, is gorgeous, and quite large.

It was the first really hot day Audrey has rode in the indoor arena. I think she got tired fast. My girl had a mishap, but the good news is, she landed on her feet. Injury free. She got back on and rode another 10 minutes. She ended the day by giving cloud a bath and took him out to dry and graze on a lead rope. Next week, we have moved her lesson to the morning so as to beat the heat.

Diane, Audrey's instructor, told her that it takes three falls to make one a true cowgirl. One down, two to go. May they all be injury free from a petite horse!

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