Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Yes, Me, a Master Naturalist

I have been thinking about going back to school. I would LOVE to work for the Missouri Department of Conservation. I thought a degree in environmental science would be just the thing to land me a job. Then I started really thinking about returning to college. I LOVED college the first time. Except then, I wasn't married, I didn't have two children, and I most certainly wasn't homeschooling.

Then I received an email. Apparently, I forgot that ages ago, I emailed somebody at the University of Missouri Extension office stating that I would be interested in attending classes to become a Missouri Master Naturalist. Only $95. Class is only one day a week from March to May. I COULD do this! So I am.

Last night was orientation. I am going to be a founding member of the Franklin County Chapter that meets at Shaw Nature Reserve. I had no idea! We even get to name our chapter. This is suddenly becoming official and real. I am most definitely excited about this.

I could actually end up doing projects with this group of people for the rest of my life. I hope I make friends. It is a interesting group of educated people who are passionate about the environment, learning, and teaching. Being surrounded by like minded people should make finding friends easy (I hope!).

Class doesn't start for another month. I have a syllabus and field trips planned. I can't wait to get started. I hope that through this experience, I will find the "thing" that I am passionate about and can then become a mini expert in. I look forward to new experiences and discoveries.

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