Saturday, September 09, 2006

Kindergarten Drop Out

So it seems, I'm back in kindergarten. I hated it the first time and the second time is off to a similar start. My oldest has just completed her third week in her long adventure in the classroom. I am miserable. Everytime I pick her up from school, she proceeds to tell me how boring and stupid it is. This is not what a Momma wants to hear.

She has also developed an interesting habit of telling on herself. She told me she lied to get out of trouble. "I didn't want a cloudy. I wanted to keep my sunny." Lying so she could stand next to a certain boy in line (don't get me started on her boy-crazyness!). Thoughts of "You know better, you are too smart to do that, how would you feel if...", to my threats of her being sent to the pricipal's office and being held back in kindergarten. How am I supposed to know what is normal for a five year old? She is smart and strong willed-a fabulous and frustrating combination. I didn't want to dismiss her behavior as being fine since she's only five years old. Yes, she is five, but my expectations aren't always based on that factor.

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